Friday 13 May 2016

This Whole Thing Was Started With a Dream and a Mouse

I start a new job on Monday. After almost six months off, this is a daunting prospect, especially as I’m not going back to the cosy work family I was part of for ten years.

Last night, I had two nightmares. In the first, I turned up to start my new job. My mentor was a gruff woman who shouted at me when I didn’t understand what she was saying. All these people came into the office kitchen and ate cake, but didn’t do any work. I waited for someone to show me to my desk, tell me what I was doing, start training me. No one did. A few girls made bitchy comments about me and laughed behind my back. Everyone else ignored me. I left without finishing my first day.
I've got a job infiltrating the Triads

In the second dream, I was back in Thailand, except I had my car with me. I was driving down a narrow tunnel /one way street, when my car just stopped and wouldn’t start again. I sat in the car for ages, trying to get it started, before phoning TC and telling him I was stuck and my car wouldn’t start and how was I going to get to my new job on Monday? (never mind the logistics of getting a car back from Thailand by Monday!)

'The Vanishing' 1988 

I love how illogical dreams are while at the same time making perfect sense. If there’s cake in my new work place, I’ll be happy.